The Wealth Report

Residential Lettings

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Rate Guessing Game Made Harder by UK and US Elections
Buyers also frustrated at frequency of mortgage rate fluctuations.
One month ago
Economics Confronts Politics in Prime London Lettings Market
June 2024 PCL sales index: 220.7 June 2024 POL sales index: 221.9
20 days ago
General Election Means Longer Limbo for Landlords
May 2024 PCL lettings index: 220.3 May 2024 POL lettings index: 220.9
One month ago
Betting big on Single Family Housing
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe
One month ago
Rising supply takes the pressure off prime global rents
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe
2 months ago
UK House Price Forecasts: May 2024
Political uncertainty ahead of a general election means we have reduced our near-term forecast for prime central London, but upwards pressure remains on rents
2 months ago
Tenants Push Back on Rent Increases as Supply Builds in Prime London Postcodes
April 2024 PCL lettings index: 220.1 April 2024 POL lettings index: 220.6
2 months ago

Latest News

March 2024 PCL lettings index: 219.7 March 2024 POL lettings index: 220.8
3 months ago
February 2024 PCL lettings index: 219.7 February 2024 POL lettings index: 220.9
4 months ago
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe
5 months ago
January 2024 PCL lettings index: 219.4 January 2024 POL lettings index: 220.9
5 months ago
The prospect of a general election will bolster demand in the capital’s high-value lettings market this year.
6 months ago
The outlook has become more positive over the last three months as interest rate expectations have changed markedly
6 months ago
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe.
7 months ago
December 2023 PCL lettings index: 218.7 December 2023 POL lettings index: 220.5
7 months ago
November 2023 PCL lettings index: 218.8 November 2023 POL lettings index: 220.0
7 months ago
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe
8 months ago