Rural Matters

London Series

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Insight 2.1: Prime rents and forecasts
The qualities which characterise best-in-class buildings have evolved just as the requirements of office occupiers have shifted with a greater emphasis placed on sustainability and employee wellbeing.
27 days ago
Insight 4: Events, expansion, elevation
The fourth insight paper in our London Series, investigating the current occupier mindset and its implications for the London office market.
One month ago
Insight 3: How will London recover this time?
The third insight paper in our London Series, outlining the recovery path of London's office investment market.
One month ago
Insight 5: London's Future Demand Profile
As demand-side momentum continues to build in the London office market, we assess the role of structural demand, active requirements and three specific sources of demand in sustaining the positive…
One month ago
The London Series
Bringing Clarity Through Insight
7 months ago
Insight 6: Retrofit or Repurpose?
Retrofit or Repurpose? Rising to the challenge of obsolescence in the London office market
One month ago
Insight 2: What Drives Leasing Out-Performance?
The London market has become increasingly polarised. The prime market is seeing heightened levels of demand, a deepening imbalance between supply and demand and, as a consequence, further upwards…
4 months ago

Latest News

With global tensions rising and economic uncertainty yet to abate, London has reprised its role as a leading safe haven. Yet there is also a more progressive case for London, driven by rising…
7 months ago