Capitals of Capital: What you need to know about London, Paris and Hong Kong office markets

We’re back with episode two of our latest series. After catching up with our New York affiliate Newmark last week on what’s happening with the office market over there, we now look at London, Paris and Hong Kong.
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The next few weeks are expected to be a key test for the London office market with our research estimating there’s around £5bn worth of offices up for sale in the capital. Faisal Durrani, our Head of London commercial research, explains why London office demand is rising, while Knight Frank Hong Kong Associate Director Martin Wong, and Knight Frank France Chief Economist and Head of Research David Bourla discuss what’s driving their markets. 

We also hear from architect professor Jason Pomeroy. Jason thinks cities are resilient and that we will be getting back to our every day lives fairly soon. He goes all the way back to the 14th century to illustrate why. 

We finish with a look at the five key themes driving real estate. What will be influencing global real estate decisions over the next six months? Associate Partner Flora Harley and cross border commercial real estate adviser Alex James discuss office re-occupancy and currency markets.

Main photo by Daniel Asaki on Unsplash