Future Gazing

Manufacturing evolution and implications for industrial and logistics


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Life sciences – Lessons from across the pond
There can be no doubt the UK life sciences sector is on a fast-growth trajectory. The response to the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the criticality of national research capabilities and biotech…
3 years ago
Stephen Springham Q&A | Retail to Office
“Retail repurposing” is currently a buzz topic across the real estate market. But question marks remain as to whether the volume of narrative is commensurate with the level of actual…
3 years ago
Locations of special interest
In today’s digital world, data centres are a vital cog. The digital economy accounts for over 7.7% of the UK's GDP1, with data centres the focal point where business technology ambitions are…
3 years ago
Life sciences in the south east: ecosystem clusters
The south east is a globally renowned centre for research and innovation and an acknowledged leader in life sciences. It is the top UK region for life sciences employment, accounting for over 70% of…
3 years ago
Identifying the next innovation-led locations
Innovation has long been regarded as an essential driver of long-term economic growth, and is the aspiration of many national or local authority. Innovation is really quite simple: knowledge drives…
3 years ago