
Africa Horizons

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Africa property markets roar back to life
Pandemic induced demand has boosted property markets in Africa, with high quality office space, larger homes and bigger warehousing space now sought after. Tilda Mwai rounds up how the property…
3 years ago
Africa Horizons webinar series: Investing in Africa's healthcare
In collaboration with Knight Frank, Invest Africa hosted a Healthcare in Africa webinar as part of the Africa Horizons webinar series.
3 years ago
At a glance: Key findings from Africa Horizons report 2021
Tilda Mwai offers her key take-aways from the Africa Horizons report 2021 by highlighting the key themes in the report. The Africa Horizons report highlights investment opportunities and trends across…
3 years ago
Healthcare investment opportunities in Africa
Covid-19 has forced African governments to focus on the resilience of their medical systems and encouraged individuals to examine their personal wellbeing. As Knight Frank’s Healthcare team reports,…
3 years ago

Latest News

Far from spelling the end of the office, Covid-19 has opened up a future full of new possibilities. Two members of Knight Frank’s specialist Occupier Services team shares their thoughts on what lies…
3 years ago
Using data from Knight Frank’s Attitudes Survey and sample case studies, our Head of Residential Sales in South Africa investigates how the pandemic has changed how we feel about the places we call…
3 years ago
Cities with a flair for innovation will prosper and grow by attracting talent. New research from Knight Frank reveals which of Africa’s urban hotspots are beckoning the best and brightest
3 years ago
Africa currently boasts just 140,000 sq m of data centre space, the same as Switzerland. However, rapid digitisation and the roll-out of 4G and 5G infrastructure across the continent means this is set…
3 years ago
Focusing on positive impact doesn’t mean sacrificing profits as one of Knight Frank’s valuation clients, Africa’s largest agricultural investment fund, has amply demonstrated. Africa Horizons…
3 years ago
One theme will dominate headlines, markets and investment decisions in 2021. It won’t be pandemics, economics or market cycles; it will be ESG. Two of Knight Frank’s sustainability experts explain why…
3 years ago
Climate change is set to have a profound impact on Africa’s rapidly expanding cities over the coming decades. With the help of Knight Frank’s specialist Geospatial team, we explore what the future…
3 years ago
With service-led real estate rising steadily up the agenda, Knight Frank experts from across the continent share their thoughts on the trend – and what it means for their real estate markets
3 years ago
Property economist Professor François Viruly tells Tilda Mwai why he thinks the Covid-19 pandemic could speed the adoption of real estate as a service across Africa.
3 years ago
Africa’s retailers were initially hit hard by the Covid-19 pandemic, but with the help of some innovative thinking they are already bouncing back. We look at six of the trends driving the retail…
3 years ago