Active Capital


One of the biggest investment trends impacting property markets globally, our research teams provide their insight and analysis on how the Environmental, Social and Governance agenda is shaping up.

Top Stories

REframing ESG
A new framework to refocus and simplify the approach to ESG in property to achieve outcomes and what wealthy individual are doing in this space
4 months ago
A new SPV - Solar power value
The potential solar photovoltaics (PV) energy generation opportunities for the UK from car parks and rooftops.
7 months ago
Key findings from ESG Property Investor Survey
Investors are increasingly looking to improve quality of their existing portfolio as ESG regulations continue to influence real estate decisions.
10 months ago
Circularity in retail and real estate implications
What could a more circular retail economy mean for retail property?
3 months ago
Untangling the knots in ESG
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe
4 months ago
ESG: What is in store for 2024?
With the help of my research colleagues, I explore the overarching trends set to continue or expand, uncover emerging themes, and offer up an ESG wishlist.
6 months ago
Let’s COP to it: What happened at COP28 for the built environment?
COP28 was held against a backdrop of what will almost certainly be the hottest year on record. While there has been a lot of chatter surrounding the hosting location and intent, COP remains a key…
7 months ago

Latest News

What is the demand for green-rated buildings in central London? We explore leasing and investment activity of BREEAM-rated versus non-BREEAM rated in the capital over the past three years.
7 months ago
Anna speaks to Knight Frank rural surveyor Steph Small and Irwin Mitchell partner Sam Knight to find out more about the nutrient mitigation market.
7 months ago
How the life sciences industry is working towards a sustainable future.
8 months ago
This week’s Retail Note showcases our latest Thought Leadership Retail Report, a deep-dive into current and future structural change in UK retail markets. The ultimate temperature check of what,…
8 months ago
Here we delve deeper into the results of our ESG Property Investor Survey and analyse nuances among investor types and focus.
8 months ago
With the roll back on net zero policies billed as a cost saving exercise, we examine whether UK homeowners value sustainability and how property marketing can play a role.
9 months ago
Tackling nutrient pollution in freshwater rivers and estuaries is becoming an increasing focus for the government as they are home to a number of sensitive habitats.
9 months ago
Anna Ward discusses the growing influence ESG is having on property investors with head of ESG research, Flora Harley, and how Britain's homes can weather climate change with Barratt's Oliver…
10 months ago
As an industry, there has been a call for consistency and clarity in our approach to net zero goals and regulation, yet recent announcements have had the opposite effect. We consider the potential…
10 months ago
Our ESG property investor survey shows desire to improve efficiency of existing properties and acquire and improve underperforming assets.
10 months ago