Active Capital

Supporting net zero

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How can nature support the ‘S’ in ESG?
Social value is an increasing focus for many businesses. Nature and the environment are also highly valued by employees. So how can these two trends influence the other?
2 days ago
How and why will nature be valued in the future?
Nature underpins a huge swathe of the global economy. Although identifying its true value is not easy, merging opinions and markets offers some thought-provoking insights and views
2 days ago
Planning - NPPF, what do you need to consider?
The Labour government is shaking up the planning system. Jonathan Wish and Robert Mitchell from our Residential Developing & Planning team offer a need-to-know guide for landowners
2 days ago
Working with nature - how it can benefit all sectors
Businesses of all types can work with nature. Whether a legal requirement or part of a net zero strategy, we are working innovatively with clients to support their sustainability objectives
2 days ago
Natural capital and nature - why invest as a commercial business?
Rachel Patch and James Shepherd from our rural team explain why investing in nature makes sense. Their roles involve working with corporate and commercial businesses who own land or have…
2 days ago
Carbon credits can help offer a greener future
Not all carbon credit schemes deserve the greenwashing label: how they can actually play an important role in ESG and net-zero strategies
2 days ago