Covid-19 Daily Dashboard – 11 May 2020
An overview of key economic and financial metrics.
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European markets saw moderate gains today as European countries gradually ease containment measures. The FTSE 100 added as much as 1% in early trading this morning, coming close to breaking 6,000 for the first time in May.
The “investor fear gauge”, the VIX volatility index dropped below 30 on Friday and remains at 29.9 this morning. While significantly lower than seen over the last couple of months, the level remains elevated compared to normal levels.
Baltic Dry
The Baltic Dry continued its decline on Friday, falling -3.7% from the day prior, to $514. The continued contraction in the Baltic Dry indicates the extent of subdued demand for raw materials and subsequently manufacturing.
Oil prices have fallen this morning, after concerns of a persistent oversupply re-emerged, amidst weaker global economic conditions. This morning, Brent Crude is down -2.0% to $30.36 a barrel.
Sterling is currently $1.24, down -0.2% over the morning. The euro remains stable at $1.08.
Lockdown measures
Last night, Boris Johnson set out a three-stage plan, outlining the first steps of easing lockdown measures in England. More detail is due to be published today. In South Korea, China and Germany, there have been new outbreaks. In Seoul, authorities have closed bars and clubs, while in Germany, the reproduction rate has increased to 1.1 according to the Robert Koch Institute. Three districts have now postponed their planned easing of lockdown measures.
US Unemployment
The US unemployment rate saw its largest increase in history, up 10.3 percentage points to 14.7%, above the previous high of 10.8% in 1982.

Download an overview of key economic and financial metrics relating to Covid-19 on 11 May 2020.