How can Knight Frank Rural support with a review of your assets?
With so much change in the rural sector, the need for rural businesses to review their property assets is increasingly important.
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Future financial support is likely to come from both public and private funding and an agile approach to property management is needed to ensure the future sustainability of farms and estates. From food production and the environment to the promotion of vibrant rural communities, there is often a wide range of objectives to be met.
At Knight Frank, we use a range of tools to look strategically at the assets held by an estate, including preparation of a land use plan and benchmarking data analysis as appropriate to assess performance.
With a thorough understanding of market trends and drawing on demographic information as required, opportunities to maximise the return on specific assets held, together with scope for capital generation through planning permission for development and alternative use to create diversified income streams can be considered.
Benchmarking is a means of evaluating an organisation or business both internally, in terms of practices and performance between enterprises, and externally providing comparison against other organisations in the industry in which it operates.
It can be a valuable tool in measuring the performance of an individual business identifying the need for change and in turn delivery of transformation. It can also offer a means of communication with customers, investors, government agencies and the wider community.

An Asset Land Use Plan is a way of managing competing demands on an estate. A useful discussion tool, it can be used to bring different stakeholders together and support land use decision making considering the economic, environmental, and social assets of their business to optimise their interaction in the long term.
Land Use Plans can be invaluable in demonstrating the overall aspirations and approach of an estate when applying for planning permission or funding opportunities. It is also a worthwhile starting point in succession planning or in considering options for ecosystem services.
Each rural business requires a different approach to align with individual circumstances. Through working with you to understand your priorities, we can give every client bespoke support to take a holistic approach and make the best use of rural assets held, incorporating agricultural and commercial property matters, residential property management, leisure, forestry, minerals, sustainable energy and natural capital projects.
Find out more about Knight Frank's Rural Consultancy