Communication: Top tips for social media

Journalist and communications expert Caroline Stocks share her top tips for using social media well
1 minute to read

1. Show your personality

Whether it’s a photo of what you’re doing, a link to an interesting article, or an opinion, if you’ve got something meaningful to say, don’t be afraid to share.

2. Engage

Social media is about conversations and building relationships. Liking and sharing posts, asking questions and responding to other people’s content helps audiences get to know and trust you, making it more likely that they’ll
respond to your posts.

3. Pick a platform, and do it well

It can be tempting to post everywhere – Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat – but it’s better to choose one or two and do them well than trying to do everything badly.

4. Quality wins over quantity

Channel your inner film director. YouTube is the second-largest search engine after Google. Posting a quick video of something that’s happening on your farm is a great way to let people discover what’s happening in
UK agriculture.

5. Don’t get drawn into arguments

Not everyone will share your opinions. While a sensible discussion to educate and inform is great, getting caught in an endless argument with someone whose opinion you’ll never change isn’t. Know when to stop, take a step back, and block people if necessary.