
Displaying 891-900 out of 1207 results

Monaco in pole position as a new era of higher taxes beckons

The security and privacy Monaco offers is not going unnoticed by wealthy buyers. The pandemic has increased wealth inequality, but it has also led the super-rich to re-evaluate where and how they want to live.
2 years ago

The high street – upheaval or evolution?

COVID-19 Market Update – 23/10/2020
4 years ago

Investing amid peak uncertainty

Global uncertainty has been building over the past four years but the pandemic highlights that a ‘black swan’ event can happen at any time. The crisis has brought the need for diversification and effective portfolio positioning into sharp focus.
4 years ago

Around the world in five charts

Everything you need to know about the global economy, distilled.
4 years ago

Top 10 Asia Pacific property trends for 2022

A wide range of indicators are pointing to a stronger economic rebound in 2022.
2 years ago

All at sea: Can private yacht travel become greener?

Exploring the intersection between private travel and saving the environment
4 years ago

How are global capital flows changing?

Global capital flows for H1 2020 were 23% lower than the same period in 2019 as the economic effects and physical restrictions imposed by the pandemic spread. Just over 26% of transactions were cross-border – a similar level to 2019. However, this is largely due to a combination of locations outside the initial epicentre of the pandemic seeing strong first-quarter inflows, and transactions commenced before Covid-19 disruption bolstered the figures.
4 years ago

Revised growth forecasts, money market predictions, and the impact of weaker sterling

Discover key economic and financial metrics, and what to look out for in the week ahead.
2 years ago

Green building ratings – an occupier’s guide

Many prime office buildings are adorned with badges, recognising sustainability throughout their lifecycle, from the initial design through to post-occupancy. But what exactly do they mean? And how can they benefit occupiers?
2 years ago

Temp use powers to rise as property adapts to coronavirus challenge

In just a few weeks, the UK has reconfigured property to save lives and demonstrated it is possible to swiftly create new temporary uses for real estate
4 years ago