
Displaying 91-100 out of 1197 results

Framework for easing England’s lockdown restrictions: implications for commercial real estate

Boris Johnson outlined the next stages in the easing of England’s tight lockdown restrictions that have been in place since January.
3 years ago

Commercial Insights - Occupier markets: There is life in the office, yet.

Lee Elliott notes the weakness in business sentiment, but sets out how the office retains a key role in corporate organisations, and highlights the naivety behind the sensationalist “death of the office” narrative.
4 years ago

UK commercial property market off to positive start in first-quarter

This point in the calendar can be a difficult time to read the market. Annual predictions are made in December, but it is April before much of the hard data can begin to indicate their validity.  
6 years ago

Season 2, Episode 9: What does the future hold for South East offices?

Will Matthews was joined by Emma Goodford, Head of National Office Agency, and Darren Mansfield, Partner within Commercial Research, to discuss the considerations and implications of ‘Hub and Spoke’ on office markets in Greater London, the M25 and South East.
4 years ago

Season 2, Episode 5: Real Estate investment resilience through innovation-led cities

Victoria Ormond, CFA was joined by Jennifer Townsend, Associate Commercial Research to look at our analysis of global, innovation-led cities which we think will attract and retain the population and wealth necessary for resilient, well-performing real estate markets. 
4 years ago

Season 2, Episode 1: State of the nation - what we know and what we expect

In this first episode in Season 2, Will Matthews, Head of Commercial Research, took stock of where we are in the commercial real estate market now. He reviewed some of the themes and sectors we discussed over the last few months and, drawing on the breadth of our market-leading research team, provided a look-ahead at what the autumn period may hold for investors and occupiers.
4 years ago

The Property Perspective | The Perfect Storm

Suzanna Murray, Director, Occupier Services and Travis Brooks-Garrett, General Manager, Commercial Partnerships at DP World Australia explore some of the themes from our Urban Logistics Research Report. 
3 years ago

Season 1, Episode 2: The macro-economic picture and the London market

Will is joined by Victoria Ormond from our Capital Markets research team, and Faisal Durrani, from our London research team, for an update on the latest macro developments, their implications for commercial real estate investment, and a deep dive into the London market.
4 years ago

Inflation concerns, London rental recovery and Zambia election optimism

Here we round up some of latest comments, opinions and insights from the industry-leading experts from the commercial and residential research teams, so you have all you need for the week ahead.
3 years ago