Commercial real estate predictions for 2022

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Q2 2024 Knight Frank Global Corporate Real Estate Sentiment Index shows a continued decline in sentiment among CRE leaders
3 days ago
7 questions with Young Khean Teh, Head of Office Strategy & Solutions, Knight Frank Malaysia
One month ago
Cost consciousness is the dominant corporate mindset, and the search for financial and operational efficiencies is becoming an urgent concern.
One month ago
Dr Lee Elliott, Global Head of Occupier Research at Knight Frank chats with Craig Van Pelt, Cresa’s Head of Research about the potential drivers behind these regional differences in our latest…
3 months ago
We take a look at some of the key research outputs from our global teams highlighting the latest UK house price forecasts, evolving office requirements, and the latest ski property index results.
10 months ago
Our Global Occupier Market Dashboard for Q2 2023 shows a diverse range of cost trends has emerged across the world's prime office markets.
10 months ago
With the global economic outlook remaining challenging, organisations face multiple headwinds that are weighing on growth, amplified by inflationary pressures and the rising cost of funds.
11 months ago
With companies keen to raise office attendance levels and improve work efficiency, workplace transformation is becoming ever more important.
11 months ago
Set against a cyclical high in new supply delivery of close to 6 million sqm so far in 2023, office market demand has continued to hold up.
11 months ago
This year’s (Y)OUR SPACE survey showed that the concept of shared workspaces continues to be entrenched across the occupier landscape.
11 months ago