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(Y)OUR SPACE is out now.
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After the challenges of 2020 and the ensuing debate about the future of the office, our latest survey of almost 400 global occupiers confirms that they continue to see real business benefit accruing from real estate. It also shows, however, that there is a clear and increasingly urgent requirement for the form and function of the office to evolve as the pandemic recedes and the opportunity to ‘build back better’ presents itself to business leaders.
The majority of survey respondents, armed with the lessons obtained from the great global workplace experiment of the last year, have confirmed that they will embark on a rigorous reconfiguration of their global portfolios and a remodelling of their workplaces over the next three years.
New strategies will have workplace safety, sustainability and smart technology at their heart. Across global real estate markets, businesses will gravitate towards offices that are more user-centric; reduce environmental impact and support corporate ambitions or requirements around ESG; and which utilise technology and the data it generates to measure, manage and curate what will be a more dynamic workplace environment and experience.
This transformation is not without challenge, not least because of the fragile operating environment and cost consciousness apparent as we emerge from the pandemic. Exposure to expertise and global best practice is essential if these challenges are to be met and the transformation achieved.
Knight Frank is here to provide you with that expertise, advice and support. We have made significant further investments in our Global Occupier Services & Commercial Agency service line since the first edition of (Y)OUR SPACE back in 2018. We have strengthened our consultancy teams to supplement our best in class transactional teams operating within and across global markets.
This second edition of (Y)OUR SPACE draws on this capability and shines a light on the key considerations and best practice responses shaping global workplaces. We would be delighted to discuss any aspect of the research or our capabilities with you, so please do get in touch.
Download (Y)OUR SPACE 2021