A Very Warm Welcome

A Very Warm Welcome
Written By:
Rupert Sweeting, Knight Frank
2 minutes to read
Categories: Residential Sales

"You can explore more than 1,700 country properties"

In the prime country market, caution was replaced with optimism in the last few months of 2016, and momentum is building for a strong 2017. After the uncertainty surrounding the EU Referendum and the surprise vote to leave, it seems that sellers and buyers have had enough of "wait and see" and now want to get on with their property lives.

For some, of course, turbulent times signal opportunity. And this is certainly true of international buyers who are being attracted in ever-greater numbers due to the weak pound with judicious timing, this has amounted to around 15% discounts for those coming from Dollar and Euro territories or buyers from the Middle East. These buyers are particularly active in the most sought-after areas of the Cotswolds, Hampshire and West Sussex.

Another factor that has in recent times put the breaks on activity above the £2m level is the rise in stamp duty accros the board and the extra 3% payable on second homes or investment properties. Yet we are seeing the impact of this receding, as agents factor it into valuations and buyers come to terms with a higher tax that is not part of the cost of doing business.

Whatever the trends of the movement, a place in the country will always have its attractions. The continuing price differential between London and the countryside, the good schools, the improving rail infrastructure, the availability of superfast broadband - they're all factors drawing eager buyers into the green and pleasant land beyond and toward the M25.

In this issue, as well as showcasing some of the finest prime properties currently on our books, we look at issues such as why international buyers are flocking to the UK countryside and how the charms of village life mean biggest isn't always best.

To discuss your own particular requirements, please do get in touch with our team. You can also go to knightfrank.co.uk, where you can exlpre more than 1,700 country properties in any one of 18 languages. In addition, while we use print and digital channels to showcase a selection of homes, we sell over a third of our properties off-market - if this method appeals to you, we'd be delighted to tell you more about how we can help.