The M25 & South East Market Report

A spotlight on Offices and Life Sciences

Edinburgh real estate

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Prices in the Scottish capital are starting to recover, albeit slowly
3 months ago
Discretionary buyers hesitant but city-centre flats are back in demand.
9 months ago
Higher borrowing costs weigh on sentiment in the Scottish capital in Q2.
11 months ago
Buyers and sellers move quickly sensing tougher lending conditions ahead
One year ago
Edinburgh Index 131.6 / House 131.6 / Flat 140.4
2 years ago
Prime Scottish Index 109/ Small Country House 107.3/ Large Country House 103.4.
2 years ago
Dublin the top-performer as cities and towns come back into focus for buyers.
2 years ago
Edinburgh Index 123 / House 122.7 / Flat 131.6
2 years ago
House 107.3 / Flat 125.9 / Index 111.3 Edinburgh property prices have reached an all-time high after a surge in activity following the end of lockdown in the Scottish capital.
3 years ago