Your morning market update from Knight Frank Research Monday 6th April

Good morning,
Written By:
Liam Bailey, Knight Frank
2 minutes to read
Categories: Covid-19

Economic headlines

Asian shares and equity futures across Europe and the US climbed overnight on news that the death rate in some of the world's hardest hit locations is slowing. Italy reported 525 new deaths on Sunday, the lowest daily number for over two weeks, Spain’s toll declined for a third straight day and the UK’s was lower than the previous day’s. France reported an additional 518 deaths, the lowest number since last Tuesday. 

Government advisors and scientists said the peak of the outbreak in the UK is likely to be 7 to 10 days away as Prime Minister Boris Johnson was taken to hospital for tests due to lingering Covid-19 symptoms. 

Though restrictions on movement are likely to remain in place for some time, governments across Europe have begun preparations to ease lockdowns imposed to contain the spread of the pandemic. In many countries that means setting up expert committees to examine a gradual easing of stay-at-home orders for some businesses and schools while avoiding a second wave of infections.

Housing market implications

This morning we publish our latest Residential Market Outlook. This includes new forecasts for UK and London house prices, sales volumes and rents in key markets through to the end of 2021, alongside the economic assumptions that underpin them.

This week’s outlook also includes our latest detailed commentary on sales, rental, development, finance and mortgage markets.

Flora Harley continues her Global City Economic Watch today. Flora’s analysis of real-time economic data looks at key indicators across 16 world cities and illustrates how the global pandemic is impacting activity in Asia, Europe and the US. This morning’s analysis of scheduled flight departure confirms how China's busiest airports are now seeing steady growth, with scheduled departures from Beijing and Shanghai rising more than 60% in a month. Meanwhile, Paris and Milan have seen declines of 70% and 75% respectively. 

Finally this morning, Kate Everett-Allen provides five key charts from China that show potential shifts in consumer sentiment and buyer demand once the peak of infections has passed.

As always if you have any questions, please contact me, or the team.