
Latest News

From new sustainability standards to greater adoption of technology and e-commerce
7 months ago
Making sense of the latest trends in property and economics from around the globe
2 years ago
Pandemic-linked lockdown measures have severely curtailed the performance of Morocco’s real estate market.
2 years ago
UK funds continue to up their allocations, with 39.7% of the UK All Balanced Property fund index invested in the sector in Q4 2021, compared with 33.2% in Q4 2020 and just 16.4% nine years ago…
3 years ago
Demand for last-mile logistics to continue as retailers and distributors expand and refine their networks. The changing occupier and investor base is shifting occupier requirements. Supply…
3 years ago
The Indian real estate market is adapting to change brought about by the pandemic, but what are the key trends to look out for in 2022?
3 years ago
Rampant demand - The robust levels of growth in the e-commerce market have driven a surge in demand for urban logistic space. With consumers demanding ever-faster delivery times, and the high costs…
3 years ago
Brands and retailers are increasingly promoting and leveraging sustainability strategies to win customers and ensure brand loyalty. To pursue this strategy, they must consider the environmental and…
3 years ago
Distribution to businesses remains an important part of city logistics, but the focus is shifting; from predominantly business to business fulfilment, towards more business to consumer fulfilment.
3 years ago
The UK’s urban population has grown significantly over the past twenty years. Since the year 2000, the population of UK cities has risen by 10 million (Source: World Bank). Urban populations are…
3 years ago