Covid-19 Daily Dashboard – 18 May 2020

An overview of key economic and financial metrics.
Written By:
William Matthews, Knight Frank
2 minutes to read
Categories: Covid-19


European equities rose this morning, amid optimism over easing restrictions. Gains were led by Frankfurt’s DAX, which is up +2.9%, followed by the FTSE 250 (+2.7%), FTSE 100 (+2.5%) and STOXX 600 (+2.2%). 


The UK 10-year government bond yield and the German bund yield have both compressed slightly to  0.21% and -0.55%, respectively. The US 10-year treasury yield has remained flat at 0.62%. 

Baltic Dry

The Baltic Dry index appreciated for the first time in 18 consecutive sessions on Friday, increasing by +3.6% to $407. Dry Cargo International acknowledge that while this is a ‘slim rebound’ in prices, it is the expectation that as lockdowns start to ease, half way through the second quarter, demand could increase, especially with governments announcing plans for infrastructure investment, such as in the UK. 


The West Texas Intermediate (WTI) has climbed above $30 for the first time in two months, after increasing 5.1% to $31.01 a barrel. Brent Crude has also increased this morning, up 3.6% to $33.66. 

Lockdown measures

Many businesses in Italy, including bars and hairdressers will re-open for the first time in over two months today, while in Spain, people living outside of Barcelona and Madrid can meet in groups of no more than 10. In Belgium, primary and secondary schools are starting to re-open, with strict social distancing rules in place. In Poland, beauty salons, hairdressers, restaurants and cafes have reopened. Meanwhile in Greece, the Acropolis has reopened and secondary school children have returned to school. 

Download an overview of key economic and financial metrics relating to Covid-19 on 18 May 2020.

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Running for 30mins at 9:30am on Thursday mornings we will be sharing clear, thoughtful views on relevant news, interesting data and emerging trends. Drawing on expertise from our research team and beyond, each webinar will be a unique and varied insight into the rapidly evolving world of commercial real estate. 

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