The London Report

Positioning London for the Future: Quantum vs Quality


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Looking forward at lending: an interview with Lisa Attenborough
We hear the expert opinion of Lisa Attenborough, Head of Debt Advisory at Knight Frank, on the changing economic landscape and how it will impact lending within commercial real estate.
2 years ago
Active Capital: 60 seconds overview
A snapshot of the forces that are shaking and shaping the global real estate investment landscape.
2 years ago
Forecasting global cross-border capital flows
The Capital Gravity model forms a cornerstone of our Active Capital research. Now in its sixth year, we’ve employed the latest machine learning and regression techniques alongside unique datasets to…
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Equity investors become more vigilant on downside risk: an interview with Emma Winning
We hear the expert opinion from Emma Winning, Partner at Knight Frank Capital Advisory, on how investors can protect their investments and the trends we expect to see for 2023.
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ESG: an opportunity to embed value in commercial real estate
ESG isn’t a cost, it’s an opportunity to embed value, says Debbie Whitfield, Impact Director at investor and developer, Fabrix and guest Active Capital contributor.
2 years ago
ESG in real estate: Roots in the Sky - Fabrix case study
Roots in the Sky is the transformation of a 1960s building on the Southbank in London, United Kingdom – the old Blackfriars Crown Court – into a 430,000 sqft, highly sustainable, next-gen, HQ office…
2 years ago
ESG in real estate: Atelier Gardens - Fabrix case study
One of the oldest film studios in Europe, Atelier Gardens, Berlin, is being transformed into a campus where flexible work and event spaces connect to nature and the community - a cross-disciplinary…
2 years ago

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Welcome to Active Capital, our unique research perspective on the global real estate investment outlook. From forecasts of capital flows to our analysis of the most pressing strategic considerations,…
2 years ago