Major milestones for HS2

The awarding of contracts for HS2 Phase 1 signals the point at which the uncertainty regarding the scheme for property and landowners comes to an end. However, the system of Temporary Use (Schedule 16 of the Act) is causing many questions with HS2 able to use land (and include substantial changes) without the requirement to pay anything other than losses. 
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Categories: Agriculture

Full compulsory purchase of land and the requisite compensation will in most cases be over a year in the future. Timing of the main compensation remains uncertain as notices will only be issued after the recently appointed contractors have completed the design work. 

Knight Frank has expert knowledge of the complexities of the compulsory purchase system and is set to ensure that client’s claims are optimised whatever the claim. 

With publication of the Environmental Impact Statement, property and homeowners affected by Phase 2a are now in a position to submit their views through the public consultation process. 

It is worth noting that there is scope to influence changes at this stage, particularly mitigation measures. HS2 will need to engage with property owners during this process in order to reduce the potential for owners to petition parliament which can cause delay. 

The current timetable has Phase 2a starting its parliamentary process later in 2017, we are expecting petitioning therefore to be in 2018.  Petitioning parliament for changes and the background negotiations was shown to be an effective strategy on Phase 1.  

Landowners should be prepared to petition for the changes they wish to see. If you require advice or assistance with participating in the consultation process or petitioning we would be delighted to help. 

Regarding the confirmation of the route for Phases 2a and 2b, we were heartened to hear Chris Grayling, Secretary of State for Transport’s comments in the House of Commons last night: 

“I am determined that we will engage extensively with everyone affected and that we will show fairness, compassion and respect…I am absolutely clear that as we go through the process of the hybrid Bill for Phase 2a, and the further process for Phase 2b, I expect HS2 to do the right thing by the affected communities. 

“I invite any Member of the House to come and see me or the minister responsible if they feel that that is not happening, and we will seek to ensure that it does.”

The laws concerning schemes like HS2 and compulsory purchase orders are complex and somewhat archaic.  If you would like any advice regarding your land and property affected by HS2, please contact our Compulsory Purchase team:

Tim Broomhead +44 1488 688 522 

Hugh Philips +44 29 2044 0951