Arable farmland values approaching £10,000/acre again

The value of lowland agricultural land is firming, but the market for marginal pasture remains sensitive as Brexit uncertainty continues.
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Categories: Agriculture Land

The average value of bare agricultural land in England and Wales fell by 1.7% to £7,313/acre in the second quarter of 2017, according to the Knight Frank Farmland Index. However, this slide, which takes the drop over the past 12 months to 6%, hides an emerging split.

On the evidence of recent sales in southern and central England, the value of good quality arable land has started to rebound. The price achieved has approached £10,000/acre in some cases.  Although this is some way off the values being paid at the height of the market in mid-2015, it suggests that demand remains strong for the right product.

Read the full report for more analysis and data.