Switzerland named the world’s safest country post Covid-19
A new report confirms that Switzerland is the world’s safest country due to its economic resilience and its cautious, staged approach at easing out of lockdown.
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Based on over 130 quantitative and qualitative indicators and over 11,400 data points, ranging from quarantine efficiency and virus detection to health readiness and government efficiency, the report by non-profit Deep Knowledge Group offers a closer look at how 200 countries compare. The table below shows the top 100 rankings.
As the pandemic has spread so the rankings have shifted with Switzerland snatching top spot from the previous frontrunner, Germany, in recent weeks.
Initially, the most responsive countries and those which acted early to put a track and trace system in place ranked highest, now countries with resilient economies are moving up the rankings.

Source: Deep Knowledge Group
How has Switzerland handled pandemic?
Initially, there were concerns that the country’s consensual model of politics along with its federal structure could lead to weaker management, but with a total of 31,652 cases as at 29 June and 1,962 deaths the country has fared better than many of its neighbours.
The Federal Council is developing a response plan for a second wave scenario with the emphasis on a regional approach with the cantons leading the way. Classified as “extraordinary measures” the country went into lockdown on March 17, this ended on 19 June with the country now operating according to “special measures”.
Which lockdown measures have been eased?
- Travel is now permitted between Switzerland and the European Union, EFTA countries and the UK
- Property viewings restarted in mid-May but the completion of sales has been permissible throughout the crisis provided buyers and vendors were local or they were able to nominate a notaire to act on their behalf.
- Public and private events of up to 1,000 people are now permitted provided contact tracing can be guaranteed.
- All religious services and celebrations have been allowed since late May. Restrictions on restaurants were lifted in early June, and zoos, theatres, cinemas and campsites have since re-opened.
How is the Swiss property market performing?
Geneva’s prime market got off to a good start in 2020 with four properties priced between CHF18m and CHF44 m changing hands in January and February, most in prime areas such as Anieres and Collonge-Bellerive. Since the start of April, 16 sales above CHF4m have transacted across Geneva and overall volumes look set to be on a par with 2019.
Mirroring other markets, lockdown saw pent-up demand increase with our colleagues at Naef Prestige Knight Frank witnessing a 61% increase in online enquiries between April and mid-May compared to the same period in 2019 and a 59% increase in new buyers. Sales volumes above CHF5m have been largely stable since 2014 with the lower end of the market (<CHF5m) displaying greater volatility.

Alex Koch de Gooreynd, Knight Frank’s Head of Swiss sales comments: “Switzerland is arguably the world’s top safe-haven investment location with its strong currency, good privacy, security and excellent schools, all of which are appeal to international buyers.”
Alex adds: “The pandemic has allowed high-net-worth individuals time to reevaluate where they want to be and the type of lifestyle they want going forwards, with many concluding that the Swiss mountains and lakes, given their accessibility, good broadband connectivity and first class healthcare system offer the ideal solution.”
It’s not just Geneva attracting attention but the country’s commercial hub of Zurich too. The German-speaking city is seeing an uptick in enquiries from banking professionals looking to relocate from Asia and the US back to Europe but stock is limited which is underpinning prime prices.
The Alpine market closed suddenly on 15 March prior to Easter but viewings have picked up across all price brackets since mid-May and with several sales agreed in Crans Montana, Grimentz and via our new office in Verbier.
View properties for sale in Switzerland or if you have any questions on purchasing in Switzerland do get in touch with Alex Koch de Gooreynd
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