Your Leading Indicators | Divergent forecast in UK growth | PMI data | UK’s productivity puzzle

Discover key economic and financial metrics, and what to look out for in the week ahead.
Written By:
William Matthews, Knight Frank
1 minute to read

Here we look at the leading indicators in the world of economics. Download the dashboard for in-depth analysis into commodities, trade, equities and more.

Divergent forecasts for UK growth

The latest HM treasury consensus forecasts record a widening divergence in expectations, with predictions for GDP growth in 2023 ranging from +2.1% to -1.9%.

PMI data hints at slowing pace of expansion

The UK’s August PMI data suggests the economy clung onto growth with a reading of 50.9, the lowest level in 18 months. Services activity was largely maintained, at 52.5, however manufacturing declined to 46, signifying a contraction in that sector.

The UK’s productivity puzzle

Weak labour market productivity continues to plague the economy, with no change in overall quarterly output per hour worked in Q2 this year. Beyond the headline data, however, some sectors have become significantly more productive since the onset of the pandemic - clear opportunities for growth in uncertain times.

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