Flight to the Country: Just a trend or here to stay?

This week we hear from our country experts on whether the recent increase in interest for country properties is merely a trend, or here to stay.
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Categories: Media Podcast Covid-19

Harry Gladwin, the Head of Cotswolds Region for The Buying Solution; Luke Ellwood, Regional Partner for the South West Region; and Julia Robotham, Associate in our Country Department, offer their insight on the latest country property trends and assess how the market has fared in light of Covid-19.

Harry Gladwin, partner and head of Cotswolds region: “The Cotswolds has always been really popular but we’ve certainly seen a spike in that interest over the last few months in addition to the normal flow of buyers who are moving to the Cotswolds, we’ve seen some new entrants coming into the market and many of them have been spurred on by having been locked down at home for a few months with very little outside space and are now recognising the efficiencies and improvements that they can gain in lifestyle and spending less time commuting. It makes sense for a lot of people to move out to the country now whereas perhaps before it might not have done.”