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_A journey of leadership and personal growth

Andrea Wong's career in the property industry spans over 15 years at Bayleys. She is currently National Portfolio Manager at Bayleys and manages a team of property and facilities managers.
Ahfisah Rahman March 06, 2024

Tell us about your journey so far as a woman in a leadership position

Throughout career at Bayleys, I have experienced significant growth and achievements, but the road to leadership can be paved with challenges, especially for women in male-dominated industries.  With these challenges, I have also found ways to overcome them and to create a supportive and successful team environment. One of my proudest accomplishments has been transitioning from managing a portfolio of properties to leading and mentoring a team of eleven professionals. Recognising the need for personal growth and embracing the opportunity to take on a new challenge was a pivotal moment in my career.

Stepping into a leadership role came with its own unique tribulations, especially when compared with my more vocal and confident male colleagues. However, I discovered that by embracing my management style, which focused on being supportive rather than a traditional manager, I could foster a strong connection with my team. This approach was grounded in respect and compassion, which created an environment where my team members felt valued and motivated.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my leadership journey has been the personal connections I've formed with my team members. A recent heartwarming moment occurred when I received a Christmas card from one of my staff members, expressing that they saw me not only as their manager but also as a friend. This gesture highlighted the importance of cultivating a supportive, empathetic environment where team members feel valued and appreciated.

The power of support and inclusion

The journey toward gender equality and inclusion in the property industry requires individuals' and organisations' collective effort. I actively participate in two groups to foster connections and growth among women in the property industry. The first is the Women in Property group under the Property Council, and the second is an internal women's group at Bayleys. Both platforms provide opportunities for women to share experiences, learn from guest speakers, and offer support to one another. Attending these events is an excellent way for women to build their network and gain valuable insights from experienced professionals.

Looking ahead, I foresee a future where gender diversity is the norm within the property industry. Achieving this goal requires a shift in mindset, focusing on the outcome and results rather than the individual's gender. At Bayleys, I am committed to promoting this perspective, especially when interviewing candidates for my team. By prioritising the success of our clients, company, and team, we can create an environment where everyone can contribute and thrive, regardless of gender.

Advice for a young woman starting her career in the industry?

Begin by focusing on the fundamentals of your role and working hard to develop a strong foundation. This dedication will serve as the bedrock for your future success and help you gain credibility in the industry.

Read more inspiring stories here.

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