_Knight Frank launches its 2018 Wealth Report

Reflecting $1tn of private client investment in the global real estate sector, the report is Knight Frank’s market-leading global research publication and reflects our aim to be a constant source of trusted guidance for all our clients’ property requirements. 
March 07, 2018

Highlighting the latest research into global wealth trends and flows, The Wealth Report explores the world’s wealthiest regions, the best performing cities for Ultra-High-Net-Worth investors, and the fluctuations of the world’s luxury residential property markets. 

In addition, the report offers further insight into the investments of passion via the Knight Frank Luxury Investment Index – from buying a priceless piece of art or, as in the case of one particular billionaire, your very own sports team.

We hope you enjoy reading this year’s publication. It is likely that many of the articles will prompt further questions – please do get in touch should you like further information from our research team or guidance on your property portfolio. We are here to help. We look forward to working with you in 2018.

Andrew Hay is Knight Frank’s Global Head of Residential.