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_Interview: Olympic sailing legend Ben Ainslie

Sir Ben Ainslie, the most decorated sailor in Olympic history, is also the team principal and skipper of the British entry in the America’s Cup. The event was launched in 1851 as a race around the Isle of Wight, when it was won by a US boat, and victory has eluded a British team ever since. On 26th May, Great Britain’s Land Rover BAR (Ben Ainslie Racing) team will start their bid to bring the Cup home. We asked the skipper about the team’s kit.
May 02, 2017

What do you wear when racing? On the water, it’s all about technical kit. For that we have a great partnership with Henri Lloyd, which delivers clothing that’s aerodynamic and streamlined and keeps you cool when you’re working hard in the heat. 

It’s hot out there? We’ve been in Bermuda since last November. The weather was a bit inclement for a couple of months at the beginning of the year, but then it started picking up. Come summer it will be very hot and humid indeed. 

As well as performance and comfort, there must be a safety aspect too? Absolutely. There’s a safety element relating to the strength of our helmets, for example – we have a partnership with KASK, a specialist in ski and cycling helmets. But also, the buoyancy of life jackets – here we work closely with Spinlock to develop our PPE (personal protection equipment) – and whether our wet suits and other gear are tough enough. 

Above: Harry KH/LandRoverBAR

Is your gear also about building team spirit? In a highly competitive situation, you look for any way to gain an advantage. A strong visual identity contributes to your sense of being a team and helps your confidence. We want to win the America’s Cup and be a successful team for many years to come, so it’s important that we look the part. 

And kit really can have that effect? To be successful you need people to buy into the idea of the team. What you wear and the kit you use is part of that, on and off the boat. The look is definitely part of the package. It’s only one part of it, sure, but it’s the details that matter.

So, what’s next? We’re in full-on training at the moment. We won the initial global competition – the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series – and gained two vital points for our next challenge. That’s the qualifiers for the America’s Cup final. We’re now fine-tuning our race boat ‘R1’, which is very exciting.

Racing in the qualifiers for the America’s Cup starts on 26th May 2017. The final America’s Cup Match begins on 17th June 2017.